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Property Listings


Significant features of the US tax code make investment property a tax advantaged asset class. Investment property is acquired with the intention of earning a return on the investment; through rental income, the future resale of the property, or both.


Investment properties are dynamic and optimizing the functional aspects, accounting and maintenance, is critical to preserving and increasing value.  Our Know What You Own program focuses on the details and provides an accurate assessment of your property’s present value & condition as well as recommendations on improving its performance.


Our service isn’t just about buying or selling property. it is about ensuring that the property, and the equity it represents, is providing you the greatest benefit- whatever you deem this benefit to be. We want you to feel sure that the real estate you own is the right real estate for you to own right now.

Our Clients are Saying...

I trust Property Professionals to focus on attaining optimum returns for my properties. – Javad D., Ph.D

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